Memories from Foodwise Kids

Earlier this year, I interned with Foodwise Kids at the Ferry Plaza Farmer’s Market in San Francisco, CA. Here are a few pictures from the internship:

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Students serving their fellow classmates their farm fresh meals

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“Fruit Salad Face”

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The first peas of the season!!

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Finding the best forage flowers to add to the salad.

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Here they were trying to find the biggest lemon.


The beginning of a very lemony dressing.

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Coating the in-season beets with olive oil, salt, and pepper.

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Waiting patiently to tell their class about these delicious fruit kebabs!

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Roasted potatoes (aka french fries).


I see carrot tops in that beautiful salad!


Showing off the season’s first batch of Rainier Cherries.

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Figuring out the scale.


Selecting the finest strawberries.

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A very organized cutting board.


I love the name of the restaurant “The Big Garden”

Reframing the Food Movement

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Last week I attended a thought provoking panel hosted by CUESA at the Ferry Building with the Golden Gate Bridge as the beautiful backdrop. Stephen Satterfield writer in residence for Food52 + so much more moderated the panel. Evelyn Rangel-Medina of Restaurant Opportunities Centers United, Ediwn Carmona-Cruz of La Raza Centro Legal, Amelia Moore of Union of Concerned Scientists, and Leslie mah of Nourish|Resist graced the panel and shared their thoughts.

The content was action oriented; the speakers talked about how to get involved, who to reach out to, and organizations and people they look to as a north star. Here are some snippets from the night:

Good food comes with good practise. – Edwin

If you make less money you have less to spend on good food. Let us make access to good food ‘even’. – Edwin

It’s important ask ourselves: “how can the food movement intersect with the social justice movement?” – Amelia

How are the condition of people who harvest and prepare our food? – Evelyn

The labour in the food industry is reliant on People of Colour and Immigrants. – Evelyn

80% of the people in the front of the house [restaurants] are white men making most of the money. The back of the house is people of colour and immigrants, working in the worst conditions making significantly less. – Evelyn.

In the food movement if we can create demand for organic, local, sustainable, we can also create demand for racial equity. – Evelyn.

When we eat, we share a table, we are the same. That table can be local, national, the world. Food connects us as equals. -Leslie




Politics and the Dinner Table


Tonight I had the wonderful pleasure to hear Navina Khanna (Director, HEAL Food Alliance; Plate of the Union), Nina F. Ichikawa (Policy Director, Berkeley Food Institute),
Michael Dimock (President, Roots of Change), and Anna Lappé (author and founder of Real Food Media) on an incredible panel discussing the future of food and food policy under the new administration.

In general all expressed concern about the significant cutbacks on the farm bill (under which the SNAP Program gets funded – SNAP offers nutrition assistance to millions of eligible, low-income individuals and families and provides economic benefits to communities), public school lunch programs, the future of farm workers, in edition to a litany of other causes and legislations. Although the systematic reversal of progress made under the Obama administration would take years to undo the situation is dire.

-Divya Pahwa

Organic Rainbow Chard


I’ve been getting copious amounts of organic rainbow chard in my CSA (Community Supported Agriculture) box every other week. I remove the ribs, roll up the leaves, thinly slice the roll, chop the ribs, and fry it in butter and garlic until the green becomes bright.

Chard is in season in California and a nutritional powerhouse. Full of magnesium – I find that I crave magnesium and potassium rich foods as the weather starts to get cooler.

Everyone who eats some always “feels so good” after. Yummmm!

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